Saturday, May 29, 2010


IHATE,gerak gempur!! stupid you gerakgempur!! urgh,,but its 4 my benefit,rite? for UPSR! But its still suckss,..,haha! IMISSyouMOM! urgghhh,i miss you mom n sis! what must I do nowww?? study? brain like want to EXPLODE..!!
but I must try..i know that! Oh wait!, my phone ringing!! And its my mom..!! yeah!!
wait a minute,okkay!

About 10 minutes later:)
urghhh,,not again..GERAK GEMPUR always cut my line,! stupid you,gerak gempur..!! luckily its unly 4 days..but its still stupid!! whatever!! But i'm a little bit happy now.."luv you is the last word i say with my mother:)wanna know what do we talk? no-way! okkay,no sulking! HEY,I SAID NO SULKING! i will tell you,okkay! ohkay,here it is..

me: ola eh,hello!!
mom: hye..! Tengah buat ape?
me:nothing! arrrrr!! i miss you mum..!
mom:I miss you too..hey,tak lama lagy nak cuti,rite?
me:what? oh,yeeaaa..y?
mom:takdela..mama rase mungkin mama ambik ummi ary senin:)
me:ouh..ari senin?? (already think:stupid gerakgempur!)
mom: aáh
me:ouuuukaaayyyy..but can you nginap mane mane kt sini 4 one day?
mom: huh? nginap mane mane? X bley la,nnty you balik sini baru ade "nginap mane-mane"
un.yus cadang nak bawak pgy bukit merah..kite mungkin nginap seharydue kat situ..xpela..kalau ade ape ape aktiviti mama boleh ambik lambat sket..
me: ermmm,, ade gerak gempur (stupid!) ..
mom:takpela.. bila gerak gempur tu?
me:4 hry..from saturday until tuesday..
mom:ouh,,so I must catch you in wednesday??
me: not really..if you wanna catch me in tuesday punn okkay what..
mom: tuesday?? balik pukul braper??
me:dunno..12 mybe..
mom:okkay..tgk la nnty..samade ary slase or wednesday..okkay:)
mom:ok bye..luv you..
me:luv you too..bye..!!

okkay,looks like "luv you" is not the last word i say..ITS "BYE-BYE"..
whatever,,the important is..because of you,gerakgempur!! urghh,,SHIT-SHIT-SHIT AND SHIT AGAIN..!! okkay,my father allready "roaring" my name..
got-to-go now..c u later;)